Best Temperature to Leave House on Vacation in Summer

What Temperature to Leave a Vacant House in Summer?

average house temperature in summer

Summer 2022 might officially be over, but September can bring a broad diversity of weather beyond the U.Southward, including late-season rut waves.

Whether you lot leave your firm to go to work every morning or planning a late summer vacation, you might be wondering what temperature to leave your vacant house to avert ranking up the energy bills.

Table of Contents show

  • 1. Turning the AC Off Is a Bad Idea
  • 2. Thermostat Settings in Summertime
    • Use a Smart Thermostat
  • 3. Other Means to Make a Vacant Habitation Energy Efficient
    • 3.1. Close Blinds and Curtains
    • 3.2. Turn Down the Water Heater
    • iii.iii. Unplug the Appliances
  • 4. FAQs
    • iv.1. Is 78 degrees too hot for a house?
    • 4.2. How long can I leave my business firm vacant?

Turning the AC Off Is a Bad Idea

1 of the most unremarkably held beliefs is that turning the air conditioning off while y'all are gone will save electricity, but that's not always correct. When it's hot outside, returning to a dwelling that's been 'baking' on the sun all day won't be pleasant and your AC unit will have to work a lot harder to cool information technology down over again.

In addition, your HVAC system doesn't only control the heat levels, only humidity levels besides. If you plough off the AC for a prolonged menstruum of time, especially in a hot season, you lot can return to discover any of the following unpleasant problems:

  • Mold
  • Musty smells and odors
  • Peeling paint
  • Warped wood furniture (floors, cabinets, etc.)

That's why free energy experts propose that rather than turning your air conditioner off completely, you should only set up back the thermostat temperature which can salvage as much every bit ten percent on annual heating and cooling energy utilisation.

Then what's the best thermostat setting for an empty business firm in the summer?

Thermostat Settings in Summer

During summer, it is generally recommended to set the thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you are at home (and 68 degrees in the winter). When yous are going away (whether for several hours or one-2 weeks), consider raising the setting of your Air conditioning by 10 to xv degrees, so that the cooling system doesn't kick in until the temperature tops 88 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Use a Smart Thermostat

That being said, having to remember readjusting the thermostat every day before leaving for work is frustrating. If you lot are in a blitz or forget, it can cause yous extra stress and unnecessary energy costs. Luckily, thanks to technological progress, we tin now train our machines to exercise the thinking for united states of america.

What are we talking near? Smart thermostats of course.

A smart thermostat is perhaps the most effective way you can manage temperatures in your abode. You tin set it to automatically adjust the air-conditioning at preprogrammed times that coordinate with your schedule. By the time you return habitation, your air is absurd again and you don't have to deal with a hot, stuffy house.

Other Ways to Make a Vacant Home Energy Efficient

Don't put all your eggs in one handbasket, meaning don't rely just on your air-conditioning to cool down your firm. In that location are other, less costly tricks that you tin implement to keep the rut out and fresh air in.

Shut Blinds and Curtains

Sunlight beaming in through the windows can oestrus upward the place actually quick – co-ordinate to the U.S. Department of Free energy, 76% of the sunlight that falls on standard double-pane windows enters to become heat.

What to do? Close your curtains on your mode out or even when you are at home. The DOE notes that medium-colored draperies with white-plastic backings reduce the heat gain past 33 per centum.

Another option is insulated cellular shades, made of pleated textile and designed to fold upward in an accordion-like fashion. In heating seasons, tightly installed cellular shades can reduce heat loss through windows by 40% or more.

Plough Downward the H2o Heater

One oft overlooked saving is turning downward the water heater to the lowest setting when you are away. Just make sure to remember to plow information technology back up before you take that first shower when you return!

Unplug the Appliances

Even items (exist information technology the TV, toaster, microwave, or a stereo) that are turned off with a button still consume electricity and when added upwardly, cost yous a few extra dollars on your utility bill. Make sure you unplug everything before you leave for your holiday! Even better, consider getting a smart power strip, which shuts off electronics that are no longer in use, to avoid loftier standby power costs.


Is 78 degrees too hot for a house?

Department of Energy recommends keeping your habitation at no more than 78 degrees when yous're home in the summer. When y'all're at piece of work or away for a calendar week or two, adjust the thermostat up by 10 – 15 degrees, meaning that it won't kick in until the oestrus reaches at to the lowest degree 85degrees.

How long can I leave my house vacant?

Whether you lot accept to leave your house to become to piece of work every morning or you are going on a short trip, it might be more than economic for your ac to stay on at a higher degree, so being turned off completely. Then what temperature for an air conditioner is platonic for an empty home? According to DOE, you should suit the thermostat up by 10 – 15 degrees from your normal setting when you are at home. If you are going on a trip that is longer (more than a month), you are probably better off turning the Air conditioning off completely. However, the problem you are facing in that scenario is moist air entering the building and the potential development of mold.

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