A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes Dealing With Family

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The 19th century was a hard time for a lot of people, specially colored people. During this period, racial segregation was ubiquitous. Even though slavery had been abolished, colored people were non treated every bit. This is a straight description of how the Younger family in the play A Raisin in The Sun written past Lorraine Hansberry felt. With a people always being put down and never seeming to become a leg up, their only hope was to dream. Dreams are like a defence force mechanism of using fantasy to try to escape a state of affairs, which represents the eagerness or desperation to modify life's ever-changing circumstances. Each of the characters in the Younger family was trying to escape reality byways of them each having their own particular individual dream. Of the iii principal characters Mama (Lena Younger), Beneatha, and Walter; 1 wants to move to a bigger dwelling, i wants to attend medical school, and the other wants to rise higher up his conditions though he does not necessarily accept a plan to exercise so. Each person's dream serves an important conceptual office, for example, aspiration, motivation, or direction for the grapheme; even so, the different dreams also divide the characters, creating conflict amongst them. With thinking of the Langston Hughes poem from which the title of this play was taken, the central concept of dreams deferred comes to mind. The title of Hansberry'due south play makes a straight reference to the Langston Hughes verse form, "A Dream Deferred.' "What happens to a dream deferred?' asked Hughes. "Does it shrivel up like a raisin in the sun?' Lorraine Hansberry answers this Hughes'south question through play. The play proves through unlike altercations and situations that no thing how long a dream has been deferred, it does, in fact, live on. Mama, Walter Lee, and Beneatha have cherished dreams. These dreams reveal a corking bargain about the nature of the characters' longings which unjust societal expectations cannot destroy.

Set in the 1940s and '50s and written in 1957 A Raisin in the Sun was the first play written past an African American and produced on Broadway. Lorraine Hansberry's inspiration came from the diverse lives of the African American working-class people who rented from her father and those who went to school with her on the South Side of Chicago. She too said that she "used members of her family unit as inspiration for her characters. Hansberry noted similarities between Nannie Hansberry and Mama Younger and betwixt Carl Hansberry and Big Walter. Walter Lee, Jr. and Ruth are composites of Hansberry'south brothers, their wives and her sister, Mamie. In an interview, Hansberry laughingly said "Beneatha is me, eight years ago."" Like the characters within the story, Hansberry lived a very similar life. Although her family did live a rather to a higher place average life equally a result of her father's financial condition, Hansberry had experienced segregation firsthand. In Michelle Gordon's critical essay, she reveals the many parallels between Lorraine Hansberry's own childhood life and that of the fictional Younger family of her start play: A Raisin in the Sun. As a young daughter, Hansberry was direct attacked by the forces of racism when her black family moved into an all-white neighborhood. Gordon explains that the neighborhood "improvement association" justified their refusal to accept the Hansberry'southward by claiming the neighborhood was under a "race restrictive covenant". Straight affected by this refusal of equality and requirement of segregation, Hansberry was inspired to create the Younger family to reverberate her family'south fight for freedom and equality. With hopes of eventually doing away with all diff treatment, Hansberry used her perspective to bring awareness to the cultural consequence of segregation and racism. Gordon argues that Hansberry's true realism opposes the deterministic tendencies of naturalism. The required reform that Hansberry stipulates in the play was therefore intended as non simply a drama but also as a telephone call to action.

Lena Younger also known equally Mama is the dame of the family unit who keeps them together and makes the last decisions. Recently fabricated a widow, she is a retired housekeeper who works vigorously to make sure that her family unit is taken intendance of. All while keeping her religious faith and remaining optimistic despite multiple financial and social challenges. Equally shown through her actions and her faith, Mama is a proud black woman and serves as the family unit'due south source of strength and stability. Mama's dream is to move her family out of the slums of Southside Chicago and into a business firm with a great grand where children can play and she tin grow her garden. Her dream has been deferred since she and her husband moved into the flat that was supposed to be temporary lodging. Even so, life happened and years later later her husband died; and Walter grew up with a son and wife, the Younger family unit remained there. Every twenty-four hours, her dream provides her with an incentive to make money. But no matter how much she and her husband strived, they could not scrape together enough money to make their dream a reality. His decease and the resulting insurance money present Mama's first opportunity to finally go after her dream.

Mama'southward plant shown in human activity one is 1 of the symbols used to demonstrate the significance of both her dream and in render will do good her children. She nourishes this plant constantly to see information technology grown and blossom into a beautiful flower. Mama's institute, which is weak but resilient, represents her dream of living in a bigger business firm with a lawn. As she tends to her establish, she symbolically shows her dedication to her dream. Mama first pulls out her plant early in the morning. It is the first matter that she does in the morn; thus, at the commencement of the play, we run into that her plant — and her dream — are of the highest importance to her. Mama admits that the plant has never had plenty sunshine but still survives. In other words, her dream has e'er been deferred just remains strong. At the end of the play, Mama decides to bring the plant with her to their new home. In doing so, she gives a new significance to the plant. While it initially stands for her deferred dream, now, as her dream comes true, it reminds her of her force in working and waiting for and so many years.

Even so, this plant seems to be limited in the sense that it never has plenty light or space to grow on. This represents her children equally they likewise seem to be limited. In the case of Walter, he is economically limited and this straight affects his cocky-esteem, and in the instance of Beneatha, she seems to exist limited not only because of color but because of gender as well. Mama's dream for her plant is the same as for her children. She wants to see them grow and develop into cute beings. During one of her confrontations with Walter, we can meet that she suffers from her children'south limitations. She says as she gives him the money "What you ain't never understood is that I own't got nothing, don't own nothing, ain't never really wanted nothing that wasn't for you. There ain't nothing as precious to me … There ain't nada worth property on to, money, dreams, nothing else — if it ways — if it means information technology'southward going to destroy my boy. (Hansberry 107)" Hither we can meet mama'southward appreciation of her family over her materialistic desires. She would give upwards the money left by her husband for the happiness of her children. Subsequently Walter loses the money, mama starts chirapsia him senselessly as she says "I seen … him … night later on night … come in … and look at that rug … and and so look at me … the red showing in his eyes … the veins moving in his head … I seen him grow thin and old before he was 40 … working and working and working like somebody's former equus caballus … killing himself … and you — you give it all away in a day. (Hansberry 130)" Here we can see that mama is enraged non considering of the loss of the money but because of the wasted cede of her hubby to obtain that money. She saw many years of hard work (hard work that she values) get to waste in the glimmer of an centre and that simply made her indignant. However, during a conversation with Beneatha, she says:

There is always something left to beloved. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned zilch. Have you cried for that male child today? I don't hateful for yourself and for the family 'crusade we lost the money. I mean for him: what he been through and what it done to him. Child, when exercise you call back is the time to love somebody the most? When they done good and made things easy for everybody? Well and then, you lot ain't through learning — because that ain't the fourth dimension at all. It's when he's at his lowest and can't believe in himself 'crusade the earth washed whipped him so! When you starts measuring somebody, measure him correct, child, measure him right. Make sure yous done taken into account what hills and valleys he come through earlier he got to wherever he is.

Beneatha'southward dream is to become a dr. and to salvage her race from ignorance. The starting time part of her dream may be deferred because of the money Walter loses. Her dream is also ane deferred for all women. Beneatha lives in a fourth dimension when club expects women to build homes rather than careers. Equally for saving her race from ignorance, Beneatha believes she tin can brand people understand through activity, but the exact course she chooses remains unclear at the end of the play.

Walter dreams of becoming wealthy and providing for his family as the rich people he drives around to practice. He often frames this dream in terms of his family — he wants to give them what he has never had. He feels like a slave to his family unit'due south economic hardship. His dream has been deferred by his poverty and disability to find decent employment. He attributes his lack of job prospects to racism, a claim that may be partially true but that is also a crutch. Over the course of the play, his understanding of his dream of gaining fabric wealth evolves, and past play'southward end, it is no longer his meridian priority.

In decision, Hansberry shows through these characters' dreams that we can break through our limitations and attain our goals. She also shows us that our initial dreams are not always definitive. For instance, in Walter's and Beneatha's case, they don't accomplish their initial dreams, but rather modified them forth the manner to fit not merely their happiness just the happiness of the family unit as a whole. We tin can see that fifty-fifty though this family lives in a period that is segregated and where colored people never get what they deserve, they got themselves a house and kept their dignity by refusing to sell it. Some of their dreams had to adapt to the situation, all the same they are all together on their mode to their happiness.


Source: https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/a-raisin-in-the-sun-what-happens-to-a-dream-deferred/

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